Looking for some help with my webpage. This is a start up business and the budget is very little and i am trying to get the business up and running. If someone were to help me with the website i will hook them up through my website. Free of charge

Can someone please help me for a couple days to launch my website which will require finishing it up. I can’t pay now but i promise you I will be able to soon I give you my word.

I have the name, logo and tag line for the business and i have already worked on the website a good bit i just need someone to come in and touch it up and make sure its functioning right. Possibly add a few things but promise I will pay whomever helps me back 10 fold.

If anyone is interested in helping me just shoot me an email and we can discuss it. Natev2020@gmail.com

Sent you a mail. Feel free to let me know, I am more than happy to help. :slight_smile: