Lots of JS errors on initial page load

I’m seeing a number of JS errors in the console when loading the start page of our Wix website. Ten or so instances of:

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.

Before that I also get two other errors:

Unrecognized feature: 'vr'.
loadable: `loadableReady()` requires state, please use `getScriptTags` or `getScriptElements` server-side

And finally ten or so instances of:

The resource <URL> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.

Please advice.

Hi Markus,
We’ve recently made some enhancements in the code editor, so you may now see errors for existing code that’s running on your live site. These errors are our way of directing you to improve some code patterns that may work in some cases and fail in other cases. Hope that helps!

Using the search code feature, I cannot find that we reference e.g. localStorage anywhere…?

Any other ideas here?

@markus89200 Are these errors affecting your site’s functionality/performance?

@marlowe-shaeffer I don’t really know. Not that I know of yet, but something is obviously broken, I don’t want it to come back and bite me.

@markus89200 OK. I will ask the team about these errors and report back as soon as I have more information.

It will help us to troubleshoot if you post your full code here, not just the errors. Thanks.

@marlowe-shaeffer The errors do not originate from our own code it seems, but some internal part of Wix. The last couple of frames in the stack trace seems to point at the files https://static . parastorage . com/services/js-sdk/1.537.0/js/wix.min.js and https://ajax . cloudflare . com/cdn-cgi/scripts/7089c43e/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js You can visit https://www . spotterfish . io/ and inspect the console output.

@markus89200 Is spotterfish your site?

@marlowe-shaeffer I did share it in the last post, but broken up since I’m not allowed to post links here. It’s “spotterfish” dot io