Member messaging

I have created profile pages for each site member and I am wanting to add a message box on each of their profile pages so any visitor to the site can message that member directly, does anyone know how I am able to do this?

Also if it was possible to have this Message sent to the site member as a text message? Or if not even just notified that they have received a new message via text message


You can use Wix Chat for messaging between member and member.

Or you can do your own in code to member to member.

Sms messaging.

if you want to do a public to member sort of message, then why not just do a members profile page which only displays the info that each member wants to be made public in a repeater.

Then you can either make up a user input message form that when submitted, gets sent to the members email address, obviously they would have to approve their email address is okay to be used with public viewing.

Or you can make each email address a clickable link that opens up in their email client so that they can email the member themselves.