Member more info on a page how to code

i have added new member fields on contact list

i need to show the member company , sector of focus and years of experience on the member profile page.
how do i code? and show on the page?

please help i am desperately needing expert here

If you want to get info of a member you have the choice to get your needed MEMBER-INFO either from the Wix-CRM or from PMD (PrivateMembers-Data).

If you do not have activated the PMD, then you still can get the MEMBER-INFO out of CRM-Contacts.

  1. Create a JSW-File to be able to code on back-end.
  2. Use → getContact() to get all information of choosen member.
  3. Use the USER-ID / OWNER-ID to get user-informations from CRM.

More info you will find here…