Member Session Tracking and restriction Solution - Limit / Restrict multiple Sessions per Member

With this solution you will be able to track how many Sessions any given Member of your Website has at the moment, as well as restrict the amount of sessions a Member can have.

1. You’ll need to add a custom field in your Dashboard like this:

→ Make sure you name it “Sessions”. Also, it has to be “activated”/ “set to visible”. It should be a “Number”-Field.
2. Add this code to the events.js File on your Site:

export async function wixMembers_onMemberCreated(event) {
    const id = event.entity._id;
    console.log("NEW MEMBER CREATED");

    const toUpdate = {
        contactDetails: {
            customFields: {
                "custom.sessions": {
                    value: 1
    const updatedMember = await members.updateMember(id, toUpdate);
    console.log("INIT MEMBER WITH 1: " , updatedMember )


3. Create a new .jsw File named “SessionTracking.jsw” and paste this code:

import { currentMember, members } from 'wix-members-backend';

const amountSessionsPerMember = 4; //Here you can limit the Number of concurrent Sessions per User.

export async function CheckMemberSessionCount() {
    const member = await currentMember.getMember({ fieldsets: ['FULL'] });
    const sessionsValue = member.contactDetails.customFields["custom.sessions"].value;
    console.log("Session Value: " + sessionsValue);
    if (sessionsValue > amountSessionsPerMember) {
        return "NotOk";
    } else {
        return "Ok";

export async function UpdateMemberSessionCount() {
    try {
        const memberObject = await currentMember.getMember({ fieldsets: ['FULL'] });
        const id = memberObject._id;
        const oldSessionsValue = memberObject.contactDetails.customFields["custom.sessions"].value;
        const newSessionsValue = oldSessionsValue + 1;

        // Vorbereitung des Update-Objekts
        const toUpdate = {
            contactDetails: {
                customFields: {
                    "custom.sessions": {
                        value: newSessionsValue

        // Mitgliedsdaten aktualisieren
        const updatedMember = await members.updateMember(id, toUpdate);
        return updatedMember;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error("Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Mitgliederdaten.");

export async function UpdateMemberSessionCountSubtract() {
    try {
        const memberObject = await currentMember.getMember({ fieldsets: ['FULL'] });
        const id = memberObject._id;
        const oldSessionsValue = memberObject.contactDetails.customFields["custom.sessions"].value;
        const newSessionsValue = oldSessionsValue - 1;

        // Vorbereitung des Update-Objekts
        const toUpdate = {
            contactDetails: {
                customFields: {
                    "custom.sessions": {
                        value: newSessionsValue

        // Mitgliedsdaten aktualisieren
        const updatedMember = await members.updateMember(id, toUpdate);
        return updatedMember;
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error("Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Mitgliederdaten.");

4. In your SITE Code paste this in a onReady function:

import { authentication, currentMember } from 'wix-members-frontend';
import { CheckMemberSessionCount, UpdateMemberSessionCount, UpdateMemberSessionCountSubtract } from 'backend/SessionTracking.jsw';
import { local, session, memory } from 'wix-storage-frontend';

$w.onReady(async function () {
    if (session.getItem("loggedInNow") === "true") {
        await UpdateMemberSessionCount();
        let sessionResponse = await CheckMemberSessionCount();
        if (sessionResponse === "NotOk") {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 5000); // Verzögere das Logout um 5 Sekunden
    } else {

    authentication.onLogout(() => {

5. On your Custom Login Page (yes, it has to be a custom login page) paste this code:

$w.onReady( function() {
    authentication.onLogin(async (member) => {
		session.setItem("loggedInNow", "true");

} );

*Thanks to @CODE-NINJA for his inputs regarding this problem :slight_smile: Btw. after some rethinking it’s possible to get the result of the problem even with the getMember, instead of querying the Collection.


It’s always matter of time, the more time you put into a problem, the bigger will be the chance to solve it. Well done.

I will connect this to the other post.

Hi @valentin_wackermedia

Can this be used for my website?
I plan to create a self-paced online course but limit the number of active sessions and also prevent others to logging in to the same account simultaneously.