Thanks for your assistance. I’ve already examined it, but I couldn’t identify any issues associated with the error code. Could you please check my code to see if there’s any apparent error?
Well the error says it was expecting a minimum and a maximum limit of items.
When you look at the API for FullData collection it states the limit is up to 100 and trying to query more than 100 will result in error. In other words, if you do not define the limit with a number up to 100 then it will return an error.
Also, it is good to note that the collection you are attempting to query is Read only for Admin only. This means it will only work when an Admin is logged in.
(Which sort of makes one wonder why Wix wouldnt put that line of code in their code example They do include in other query examples because the limit is 1000 “in those”. But anyway!)