Message error when trying to use wixUsers.login() from regular page

Hello! I’m using Wix Editor on Windows. I want to build a custom login form using a regular page, instead of the LIghtbox Login form offered by Wix.
I’m getting an error message though, and I’ve found out the error message is generated by a specific line of code, so I can isolate the code to a single line and I’m still getting the same error.
This is the line of code:


Both email and password are correct. This is the error message:

Failed to parse redirect url: Error: Authorization redirect url missing
at B (utils.ts:491:9)
at G (utils.ts:458:28)
at M (utils.ts:446:29)
at Object.handleLoginResponse (siteMembersApi.ts:647:4)
at login (siteMembersApi.ts:412:35)
at async login (siteMembersSdkProvider.ts:48:13)
at async AsyncFunction. (platformWorkerInitializer.ts:59:13)

I’ve been trying to figure out this for hours and getting a bit desperate now =D
Someone knows why this error message and how to solve it?
Thanks a lot in advance!

It is already good to see your OUTPUT, but what was your whole CODE for INPUT?

  1. I already see that you are using a totaly old API-Version → Wix-Users, which already dies out and should not be used at all.

  2. Instead use → Wix-Members-API.

Reconstruct your code one more time → using the current running API.

If you want to do so on backend…maybe an example for you…

import wixMembersBackend from 'wix-members-backend';

export function get_Token(email, password) {let data = {};
	return wixMembersBackend.authentication.login(email, password)
  	.then((sessionToken)=> {
		data.token = sessionToken;
		data.approved = true; 
		return data;
	.catch((error)=> {	
		data.original = error;
		data.errCode = error.details.applicationError.code;
		data.errText = error.details.applicationError.description;
		data.token = undefined;
		data.approved = false;	
		if(error.details.applicationError.code==='-19999') {data.errReason = 'email not found';}
		if(error.details.applicationError.code==='-19956') {data.errReason = 'member blocked'; }
		return data;

Even a little bit more advanced then the original one :grin: