Mobile Editor: Can't Adjust Spacing at Bottom of Page

I have a page that has the following layout

I’m trying to have the page show text (i.e. an agreement form) dynamically depending on who the user is. In this case, we have “teamText” and “nonProfitText”, which are two different text boxes that are shown/hidden given the user. I have the two text boxes overlapping, so that they show at the same position on the page. Below is a snipet of what this looks like.

In the desktop version, everything works okay, I can shorten the bottom to my desired height.

For the mobile version, there is a huge gap on the bottom that won’t be reduced. Every time I drag the purple height adjuster up, it just reverts back to the same height. It seems like there is a “minimum” height that it has to be, due to the elements that are in the column. Let me know if it’s possible to shrink the height. Thanks!