Mobile Responsive Tables - ETA?

Hi Wix Code Team!

Thanks for your great work!

I would like to know when the tables on my dynamic category pages will be mobile friendly.

I’m not interested in an alternative like: eliminating fields, columns, rows. All the info displayed on the desktop site, needs to be seen on mobile. I would like these elements to simply stack one on top of the other, vertically. 1 Column - then X number of rows, then pagination:
> Next Page

Can you provide a specific date for this, or “repeaters”?

Hi Anthony, and thanks for the feedback.
Can you provide a visual outline of the way you’d like to see a table on mobile?

as for timelines, in general we do not provide those.
the best I can say is that anything in the “coming soon” page should be ready within a few months.


Hi Ziv,

This is originally an app prototype that I had built, but you get the idea :wink:
Simply a list - no need for anything to happen once they click.

So maybe in my case:

ID #
Phone # (click to call)
Email (click to email)
It would be nice if the user could have a dropdown to filter by location, my case.

(but I can just add a navigational button back to a landing page with options to choose location)

Tables should go from a horizontal layout to stacked vertical layout on mobile I think.

I’m very keen for this to happen

Feedback noted.
I will pass this on to the team responsible for the table component.


BTW guys in the meantime you can try the following workaround.
you can detect through code the “form factor” of the device the user is using.
take a look here:

now that you know if it’s desktop or mobile, you can do tricks such as hiding the table and displaying something else instead.
that something else can be another table with a layout more suitable for mobile or anything else that makes sense in your case.

let me know if this helps.

“Form factor” looks like a bad idea to me going off what I read on that page.

What’s the breakpoint for the screen size? What about tablets?

It looks like it’s just detecting a mobile OS versus a desktop browser? Is this right? If so, that’s a very narrow, and in my opinion incorrect, definition of responsiveness. What happens on say a 12.9 inch Apple tablet? Does it assume that’s a “mobile” device? I hope not.

for finer control you can try to use the windowSizeInfo API.
see here: wix-window-frontend - Velo API Reference -

It would be nice if we could set the columns to a percentage of the whole table width for the width, not just set width or equal width.

Hi Sarah,
could you add this as a feature request to the feature-request-forum?
please add as many details as you can (and a screenshot of what you want would be extra-nice).

I notice the Wix Table Master is responsive. Is that new?

Is Wix Table Master the same thing as the tables used in Wix Code?

I’m on board with a stacked vertical orientation for tables on mobile as well. This should be a no brainer.


Please see the following:

Please add your own issue into a new post instead of bumping up an old post.

This is a very old post and is being closed.