I have a module that is fetches data from a server and is supposed to return it. But all it does is return {}. I’m not sure why it isn’t waiting. Here’s the basic code:
import {fetch} from ‘wix-fetch’;
export function getData(URL) {
return fetch(URL, {method: “get”})
.then(httpResponse => httpResponse.text())
.then( (text) {
return text;
The output has an empty backets, “{}” and then prints the console.log(text) with the actual data I want.
Hi Adam,
Welcome to the Wix Code forums.
It looks like your first .then() function doesn’t have a return, so your second .then() function has nothing to work with.
See the fetch() API for more information including some sample code snippets.
Good luck,
I just tried and it didn’t work. The “console.log(text)” line inside the second .then() function works though.
I don’t have all the details, but you want something like this ( your mileage may vary ):
export function getData(URL) {
return fetch(URL, { method: "get" })
.then((httpResponse) => {
if (httpResponse.ok) {
return httpResponse.text();
else {
return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed");
.then((text) => {
return text;
I hope this helps,
Thanks Yisrael. My problem was that the function in the page code calling the backend function wasn’t waiting for the backend function to finish before moving on. I had to make the page code use async/await to get it to work properly.