"...more" button into a text repeater

Hi Guys i’m new on Wix and Corvid and y trying to understand the logics, thanks a lot, y have some Questions
Working on:
cursodeparapente. cl/ diccionarioParapente
i’m trying to follow:
wixcreate. com/ text-box-with-show-more

(but its not working yet hahaha, i think i need to code "into the repeater "for, while whereaver)

now im trying with:

let fullText;
let shortText;

$w.onReady(function () {
 const shortTextLength = 20;
    fullText = $w("#text19").text;
    shortText = fullText.substr(0, shortTextLength) + "<b>...Leer mas</b>";
    $w("#text19").text = shortText;

export function text19(event) {
if ($w("#text19").text === shortText) {
  $w("#text19").text = fullText;
  $w("#button2").label = "Leer Menos";    
} else {
  $w("#text19").text = shortText;
  $w("#button2").label = "Leer Mas";

can u help me?.. thanksss a lotttt


You will probably find this post helpful.

That will link to a good example of how to set up a show more button for a text box in a repeater.

Hope this helps!

Dara | Corvid Team