More then 1 copy to clipboard Button

Hi, i manage to do 1 copy button. The problem now how do i make another “copybutton2” with “texttocopy2”. I have tried it but my problem is both button is not functional correctly.

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

$w.onReady(() => {
    $w("#copybutton1").onClick(() => {

         let textMessage = $w("#texttocopy1").text;

             .then(() => {
                $w("#copybutton1").label = 'Copied!';


//Add a function to enable button and change the label after 1 second

function returnToDefault() {
    if ($w("#copybutton1").disable()) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            $w("#copybutton1").label = 'Copy Text';
         }, 1000)

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same situation here

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