I have a button named “megamenu” which i want to show container box “box1” on mouse in event. This part works fine however when i mouseout of the box, the box stays in view until page reload. CAn’t understand why my code below isn’t working. Help please
export function megamenu_mouseIn(event) {
export function box1_mouseOut(event) {
wix is frustrating on this, everytime you do this it ads “_1”, you must make sure when you click the property panel you remove it each time. Sometime it also adds to the page code, a new part for what it should do on mouse out, even though its specified elsewhere…
I have a vector image ‘info’ that i would like to add to my page. I have added it with a box named #screeninfo for the mouse in & mouse out code but cant get it to work
Please see below my code, am i doing something wrong?