Move elements with mouse

I´m trying to move a image with mouse. (I mean let the user move it)
I get this done with html-css-javascript in a tutorial, but cant make it work with Wix Code.

If someone could help… here is some javascript of how to do it outside wix.

var dog = document.getElementById("dogPic");
var cat = document.getElementById("catPic");
var moving = false;

dog.addEventListener("mousedown", initialClick, false);
cat.addEventListener("mousedown", initialClick, false);

function move(e){

  var newX = e.clientX - 10;
  var newY = e.clientY - 10; = newX + "px"; = newY + "px";


function initialClick(e) {

    document.removeEventListener("mousemove", move);
    moving = !moving;
  moving = !moving;
  image = this;

  document.addEventListener("mousemove", move, false);


Did you have any luck?

It’s currently not possible using Corvid (as there’s no mouse down event listener).
You’ll need to use a custom element or an htmlComponent for that.