Multi-column text block

I’d love to have multi-column text block, such as in Word or InDesign

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I miss text-columns, too. In Wix Editor you can use them very easy.

@Tim_Wiewelhove I’m trying to find out more if text columns will be a feature in Studio at some point. I have a feeling it wasn’t included since Studio offers columns that you can put text in anyways. If I get more information on this, I will let you know! :+1:

Hi Pamela,

I agree with Tim and Nicolas.

The column-based layout Wix Studio is currently providing is not ideal for text-blocks.
Yes, you can position a text blocks in multiple grid columns. But this means your full text should be distributed manually column by column. That’s quite cumbersome.

It would be a big progress if we could auto-distribute a single text-block into multiple columns.

Let’s hope it will be included in your future roadmap!

Kind regards,


Reporting back! My assumption was incorrect. Putting text in columns doesn’t behave the same as text columns since the text doesn’t wrap into the other column-it’s separate.

I was able to find out that this feature is not currently planned for Studio, so I would highly suggest submitting this as a feature request! Head to the Product Roadmap page and click the ‘Request a Feature’ button.