Multi Image per Product

Hi all,

I am trying to build up an online store and notice that we are not able to assign images to more than one product option.
For example, in say an online Milkshake store:
Option 1 : Flavor
Option 2 : Size

If I wanted to be able to assign an image to a Large Chocolate product, I cannot. I can only assign either the Chocolate Milkshake or the Large Milkshake to the product.
This is a limitation as far as I can see, as if i wanted the image the change based on my size or flavor it should be able to do so.
Any workarounds?
Thanks in advance,
The PB Company

Do you try to create your own store using code or do you use Wix Stores and wish to apply multiple images to a certain product?


Hi there,

I am using the standard WIX store functionality, which works great for a single image to a single product.
However, I was wondering if Code could be applied to assign a different image to a single product for weight and flavour?
