Multicolumn Dropdown Menu Code

Hi Guys,
I have a lot of different items in my dropdown menu and would really like to have these showing in 2-3 columns rather than one long single column. I realise that Wix doesn’t currently support this but would be really grateful for any advice on how to go about creating one. I haven’t yet begun inputting specific code into Wix as I’ve escaped so far using apps etc. so if it’s a tricky process, please guide me through as I will be breaking new ground!!

Thanks so much,


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Hi Oli,
I’m not sure that I fully understand what you were referring. Do you have an example so that we can better understand the use case?


Hi Tal,

Thanks for your reply! I have attahed a screenshot to explain what I’m looking to create. Currently the horizontal menu bars on Wix only support a single column menu and as I have about 30 dropdown categories, it would look a lot smarter if it was split into multiple columns!



Hi Oli,

It’s not possible using the built in menu.
What you can do, however, is use Wix Code and create the the menu yourself (using buttons).
You can either put your own buttons statically or use Repeaters for it.


Not sure if this helps, but you can try this method using a Lightbox:

Same here, need a Multicolumn Dropdown Menu as well, not very sure how to do it.

Link is private.