Multiple File / Image Upload

@yisrael-wix Yes please!

Yess i have the same issue. How? :pray:t3:

@yisrael-wix This is hmmm

Does anybody know if the multiple file/image upload feature has been completed or if there is an ETA?

Me too! Any update on the multiple upload? I have a custom Data that I need users to be able to upload images that they want in a gallery

@yisrael-wix Any example of how this code would look/work?

@info52 Ask again!!!

@yisrael-wix i hope this would be released soon. I mean, you do it in the editor, how hard can it be to implement it.

@yisrael-wix Currently under develpment? For 8+ months? How complicated can this implementation be? Has anybody given it a try yet? Should have been default in my opinion.

An “easy” fix, for others in the meantime, is to go into dev-mode and add something like the code below in the editor (this icon <–>) when you are at the page where you want add the upload buttons.

If you put say 3 uploadbuttons above each other, this code selects and hides/collapses button 2 and 3. Then when you add a file, one more button will appear, and so on.

$w.onReady( function () {

  $w(' [#uploadButton2]( ').collapse() 
  $w(' [#uploadButton3]( ').collapse()        

  $w(" [#uploadButton1]( ").onChange(addBtn2)      
  $w(" [#uploadButton2]( ").onChange(addBtn3)  


function addBtn2() {
$w(’ #uploadButton2 ').expand()

function addBtn3() {
$w(’ #uploadButton3 ').expand()

Just repeat this if you want more than three buttons.

(Not the most pretty code but easier to understand)

@Christian Andersen
@Princess Yachts Gulf

Hi @yisrael-wix , any recent update about this issue ? We’re currently facing this issue on an ongoing project. Thanks by advance for your return. Regards.

This feature is currently in development. No definite release date.

Wait eagerly for such a feature to upload multiple files straight into a gallery.

@yisrael-wix Does using code have such an option (clicks have no way of connecting to the gallery at all) meaning that it will cost one by one and attach it to the gallery or it will override the previous one.

This would really be useful for us since we have a lot of webpages and photos.

Seems to have been 'in development for a long time @yisrael-wix ?
This is really poor service. Its a basic (and to me, obvious) feature to provide.

Poor service? Maybe they have been focusing largely on more important features and bug fixes behind the scenes. Considering that Corvid is a free service (at time of this comment of course*) I would not brand this ‘Poor Service’ giving users the ability to bulk upload to a database will need to shift some infrastructure changes within Wix and it’s servers - as far as I can imagine. That’s a lottttt of files and data each day when they open this multiple file feature.

Hang tight, I have a good feeling it may be soon, but I am not sure either. We can only hope and stay positive :slight_smile:

@contact53319 All valid points… I wait with bated breath

@scandipik “Poor service”? I would suggest reading about the Wix development environment…

Wix provides a robust and free ecosystem that allows for easy website design, custom development, and a virtually limit-free database. Development continues on many new features - some mundane and some breakthrough. Development is not always simple as there are always many technical issues that need to be considered to ensure that things continue to run smoothly.

This particular feature, multi-uploads, is in development. However technical issues, system intgegrity, and priorities determine what gets released when. This feature will be delivered, but not before all the details are worked out.

Is Corvid by Wix actually by wix? If so, then it is part of a service as I pay a yearly subscription to be a wix customer.
It just seems every time I search for a feature I am after, the standard reply is ‘vote for that feature’ or ‘its in development’.
Cant wait to search for something that says ‘sure! its here’.

With all the goodwill I have for this important feature of uploading multiple files. One can’t help but say a good word about the amazing development of WIX are really surprising and progressing great.
Perhaps WIX is working on the more important thing to improve site speed. Google gives them very bad cinnamon. It must be more critical.