I want to upload multiple images when i click upload button on any wix page by default I take just single photo at a time but i want to select multiple photos and upload it on page so how could i do this with single upload button ?
sorry but this is not helpful i have gone through it please provide me the code of multiple images
I am stuck here as well, if you find a solution please write it, I will do the same if I find one.
you can only upload one image at a time using the upload button.
One way i have found an OK work around is to utilise the URL field and a repeater with an array
So user would select one image, it uploads and adds to a “Preview repeater” once they have added all images run a bulk insert to add the images to a database. this way you can also have a delete button on the “Preview repeater” if they select the wrong file.
Sounds brilliant, but to be honest JS is not my specialty, could you please write the code with an example variables?
Liron S is right please provide the sample code so it would be useful