My hamburger menu on mobile doesn't work properly

Hello, I am using a slideshow gallery as a banner. On mobile, the hamburger menu only appears on the first slide but disappears on the following slides. How can I fix this?
I have tried to duplicate the menu but doesn’t work, I have tried to bring forward the menu but with no results. My header is an invisible one on the banner.
I’m trying to achieve this on Wix, not on Wix Studio.

Hey there,

That’s happening most probably because your hamburger menu is attached to the Slide, and not the header directly. So firstly, move your hamburger menu out of the slideshow. Then toggle on the Toolbar and then specify the X and Y coordinates for the hamburger menu.


Move the slideshow a little further down, and then drag the hamburger menu to the desired position. Then drag the slideshow back on top of it, and open up the Layers panel and choose Send to Back.


Man, thank you very much for your help. However, for your solution to work, I first had to hide the button that reactivated after I moved the slideshow further down, because otherwise I couldn’t drag the slideshow up. Anyway, your advice was really helpful.