I’m trying to add an element but only show it at certain times on certain days. E.g I want an 'order by 3pm" element to show between 00:00am - 2:59pm, Mon-Fri.
But… I want this element to collapse at 2:59pm and another element (Same day collection currently unavailable) to be shown in it’s place between the hours of 3:00pm & 23:59am.
Any sort of pointers would be great.
I think you posted this same question in my FB code group?
Here is the tutorial video that explains different methods on timed content:
I did yes… The coding has worked for what I need to do (THANKYOU!)… However, i’m looking to add this code to specific products on a product page.
I know that if you edit the product page it will show across all of your products… Is there a way I can do it so it shows up on just a few of my products?