Need help - trying to output values from a collection based on the day of the month

Here is my current code:

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
let getDate = true ;

$w . onReady ( async function () {

const today = new Date (); //This line gets todays date.
const day = today . getDate (); //This line gets todays Number day.

console . log ( "Today is " + today );
console . log ( "Day is " + day );

$w ( “#dayOfMonthDataset” ). onReady ( async () => {
$w ( “#dayOfMonthDataset” ). setFilter ( wixData . filter ()
. eq ( “day” , day ) //This line filters the dataset by the Number day
. then (() => {

console . log ( "Dataset is now matching todays day." ); 

console . log ( day );
let file = $w ( “#dayOfMonthDataset” ). getCurrentItem ()
//Not sure if this works, I want to obtain items that correspond with day 27
console . log ( file )
let label = file . question ;
$w ( “#dayOfMonthLabel1” ). label = label ;

. catch (( err ) => {
console . log ( err );


There are three headings in my dataset, question, answer, and day. I am trying to display a unique question and answer for each day of the month. For example, if the day is 27, the code should output the question “Why did the chicken cross the road” and answer “To get to the other side”. I have attached the image of the dataset. My plan is to add up to 31 unique values for each day of the month. Please help with the code. It is filtering to “day” correctly, but I am not sure how to pull the “question” and “answer” for the given day. The “#dayOfMonth” dataset is synced to the collection “gotJokes”

Change the field type (meaning the “day” column type) to be number. Currently it’s text.