Need help with changing text color

I made a basic night mode switch, and i’m having trouble changing the color of my text.
Ive attached my code below. Please let help me out.

$w.onReady(function () {
$w('#darkModeSwitch').onChange(function () {
if ($w('#darkModeSwitch').checked) { 
$w('Document').background.src = "can't post link so this is filler"; $w('#darkModeState').text = "Dark Mode On";
$w('#logoSRC').src = "can't post link so this is filler";
$w('#aboutMeBox').style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
$w('#spotifyBox').style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
$w('#switchBox').style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
$w('#albumCoverFrame').style.borderColor = "#FFFFFF";
$w('#text1').style.color = "#000000";

} else { 
$w('Document').background.src = "can't post link so this is filler"; $w('#darkModeState').text = "Dark Mode Off", 
$w('#logoSRC').src = "can't post link so this is filler";
$w('#aboutMeBox').style.backgroundColor = "#555555";
$w('#spotifyBox').style.backgroundColor = "#555555";
$w('#switchBox').style.backgroundColor = "#555555";
$w('#albumCoverFrame').style.borderColor = "#555555";
$w('#text1').style.color = "#FFFFFF";

To change text-color you will need something like…

`<p style = "color: "red">myTextHere</p>`
$w('#text1').html = <p style = "color: "red">myTextHere</p>

If you are using a TextBox , then you can set the style as you posted it:


Keep in mind that a TextBox is an input element so you would probably want to make it readOnly.