Need Help with Link Path

Hello all! Could anyone help me figure out the correct link path to add to my code?

I’d like users to be able to view their requests on a table after entering their email address into an input field. Once their requests are displayed, I’d like them to be able to view the details on a dynamic page when they click on the “Document Title”.

The code for the table filtering is working:

But I can’t figure out the correct code to use to make the link clickable. Should I disconnect the ‘link’ functionality on the table itself???
Current code:

import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function buttonSearch_click(event) {
 // Runs a query on the "Members" collection
 // Query the collection for any items whose "Name" field contains  
 // the value the user entered in the input element
  .contains('emailAddress', $w('#inputEmail').value)
  .find()  // Run the query
  .then(res => {   
 // Set the table data to be the results of the query     
    $w('#table3').rows = res.items; 
$w.onReady(function () {    
    $w("#table3").columns = [
 "id": "col1",       // ID of the column for code purposes
 // The field key in the collection whose data this column displays  
 "dataPath": "emailAddress", 
 "label": "Email Address", // The column header
 "width": 100,       // Column width
 "visible": true,    // Column visibility
 "type": "string",   // Data type for the column
 // Path for the column if it contains a link  
 "linkPath": "link-field-or-property" 
 "id": "col2",
 "dataPath": "orderDate",
 "label": "Order Date",
 "width": 100,
 "visible": true,
 "type": "string",
 "linkPath": "link-field-or-property"
      {"id": "col3",
 "dataPath": "category",
 "label": "Category",
 "width": 100,
 "visible": true,
 "type": "string",
 "linkPath": "link-field-or-property" 
      {"id": "col4",
 "dataPath": "documentTitle",
 "label": "Document Title",
 "width": 100,
 "visible": true,
 "type": "string",
 "linkPath": "link-EditingRequests-Document-Title-ID"

Screenshot of the database view of the dynamic page field:

Hi Juanita,
You should create onRowSelect event to the table element.
Check out the example at this.
Combine it with and you got it.
Good luck!