Need help with querying a database to determine if elements should appear

First things first; I’m not a coder. I’m familiar with the basic concepts of coding but I am in no way a programmer.
I’m setting up a site for a school science fair and the members section has 3 buttons; Register for 2020, Submit Abstract and Resubmit Abstract, which should only appear if they need to. Please see image below:

Once a member clicks on the Register for 2020 button a lightbox with a custom form pops up and the information shown on this page is captured and stored in a database labeled 2020_Registrants.
I need this page to do a query of that database on load to see if the member’s participation status field is empty. If it is then the button should appear. If it’s not then the button should be hidden.
The same thing would be applied to the two abstract buttons obviously referencing different fields in the database.

I’ve been trying to modify bits of code I found for something similar but it’s not really working. See below and I apologize in advance for how off this might be:

import wixData from ‘2020_Registration’;

$w.onReady( function () {
$w(“#dataset1”).onReady( function () {
.then( (results)=> {
if (results.status.length > 0) {
let $w(‘#button11’) = $w(‘#button11’).hide;

I know there’s quite a bit missing but that’s about as far as I was able to comprehend before realizing I have no clue what I’m doing here.

Any help would be appreciated.