Need help with repeater.

Hello there comunity and congratulations for all the help you provide… I have a repeater which has an image, a button and a text. I need that when someone clicks the button to pass tha label of the button to an input text outside the repeater… Can it be done? and how? thx in advance…

See my post here…

That pulls text from an item within a repeater.

Thx for your reply my friend…! I will check it out…

Hello there again… I managed to grab the value from the button that the user clicks and get it in an input box… This value of course is different as it relates to what the user clicked…

Now i need to pass that value to my other page and sort the database i have there by the value i grabbed and transfered… How do i do this transfer of the value…? thx again for the support

You can pass the parameter to the next page like in this line of code where ‘grade=’ is the parameter I am passing to the next page. "/k-8-learning-resources? grade=" +$item( " #textGrade " ).text )

You will then need to use the wix-location and setFilter functions to pull the sort parameter from the URL and set the database filter based on that value.