Need help with the language

Hi everyone. sorry for bother you today.
I need some help with my page. I create a login button and register to my database in my web but its appear in English and I need it in Spanish. I already put the language in English and everything its ok (I checked) but when I click on the button the login and register page I still appears in English. can you help me? I leave the code.
p/d: when I add the member login by Wix its appear in Spanish (OK)!!! but in the home page when I click my bottons it appear in English :S
Thank you so much

import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;

$w.onReady( () => {
if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Logout”;
else {
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Ingresar”;
} );

export function loginButton_click(event, $w) {
// user is logged in
if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
// log the user out
.then( () => {
// update buttons accordingly
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Login”;
} );
// user is logged out
else {
let userId;
let userEmail;
// prompt the user to log in
wixUsers.promptLogin( {“mode”: “login”} )
.then( (user) => {
userId =;
return user.getEmail();
} )
.then( (email) => {
// check if there is an item for the user in the collection
userEmail = email;
return wixData.query(“VAT”)
.eq(“_id”, userId)
} )
.then( (results) => {
// if an item for the user is not found
if (results.items.length === 0) {
// create an item
const toInsert = {
“_id”: userId,
“email”: userEmail
// add the item to the collection
wixData.insert(“VAT”, toInsert)
. catch ( (err) => {
} );
// update buttons accordingly
$w(“#loginButton”).label = “Logout”;
} )
. catch ( (err) => {
} );

export function profileButton_click(event, $w) {
//Add your code for this event here:${});

Have a look at this api reference and you will see how to alter your code.

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';

// ...

let options = {"mode": "login", "lang": "es"}; // change it to whatever you are using.

Thank you! But I can’t do it work. I tried to put the code but it doesn’t work. how should I put this code on the page? sorry, im a noob with wix code.
And sorry for my English!!!

I did it! thank you so muchhhhh!!!