New Article: How to Import and Export Collection Data

Hi Sam! Thank you, I made a lot of tests with importing Json using import form but I need to convert exported JSON to CSV to XLS then reconvert XLS to JSON for reimport. In all these process, fields ID are not Following, so it always create new fields and they are not took in charge by Database connections. Also all of these importing steps should be done by our users, so it’s a real problem. I’m trying to make it more simple than I can for my USER.

I tought about… and tried the new CSV import feature. Working really great! It could resolve my problem easyly if this Import form could be available by user to import via a member page directly on the web site, not only into the sandbox or live Database. Is it possible??? Let me know if will be eventually possible!

Thank you Sam!

Maybe you should consider connecting a Google sheet to your data collection instead and let your users work in that?

Mmmmmmm! Thanks Andreas! Will explore how I could perform that! Do you have Any details about how it could work! Don’t think it will solve the import problem…

Hey Ron,

I don’t think you will be able to use the new import/export feature to allow your users to import and export data. However, it is doable adapting the article you’ve read about importing and exporting with code. You’ll have to be very careful with permissions though if you’re going to let users that kind of access to your collections.

Hi Sam I know ! It’s not a problem, it’s easy to restrict a page for a member only. the problem with the form is the JSON format and field ID recognition when converting to xls-csv(from my side I can manage it but not the users, toomuch steps too much complicated for them).

Database features is not only usefull for web owner collections, there’s lot more to do with! In my case I want that users can create and manage their own DataBase ‘‘collection(s)’’. I would like to be compatible also with a DB generated by our software (statistics records). so the genrated JSON-XLS-CSV files (for this step, it could be in JSON fomat) but the import step should be done by specific Web members(more than one or two, a lot… ) and you understand that I don’t want them to give the access to the sandbox or Livedatabase with a Site contributor permission (because for now, it is the only way if I want our DB project works)!

So! Talking about Live DataBase acess make me think about a other way it could be done! and I really think it could be usefull for most of your WIX clients, user and web builders. Lot of them could like to give access to one of their employee or a external firm to manage their database(s) without the obligation to allow them as a SITE contributor. In our case we want our clients can be able to manage their own DB. So if it could be possible to be able to give access only at a specific Live Database with password restrictions or/and approove member restrictions. That will be the perfect world!

If not! at least, the IMPORT/EXPORT CSV feature like a form to share with some specific USER on a web page.

And I want to inform you that our company will be ready to pay more for our subscription by mounth, because if it works we will probably need a lot more of Bandwiht and Storage capacity, because we wll have to create maybe hundreds of DB if it work like we think!

So please Let me no if Wix could be open to perform that kind of feature in a near futur to allow us the make our project works !?


Hey Ron,

If you could, please post on the Feature Request forum exactly what you’re hoping for. That way the right people will see it.