i am experementing with imports and exports of DATA from & into a Wix-DATABASE (Data-Collection).
I could reproduce the following example…
And i also was able to convert CSV-DATA —> to —> JSON, with this online-converter-tool…
(using the first converter-option —> “CSV” to —> “JSON”)
The converted JSON-file looks like…
"Index": 1,
"Vorname": "Barack",
"Nachname": "Obama",
"Alter": 33
"Index": 2,
"Vorname": "Donald",
"Nachname": "Trump",
"Alter": 44
"Index": 3,
"Vorname": "Angela",
"Nachname": "Merkel",
"Alter": 55
"Index": 4,
"Vorname": "Vladimir",
"Nachname": "Putin",
"Alter": 66
"Index": 5,
"Vorname": "Kim",
"Nachname": "Yong",
"Alter": 77
On my example-page…
…after inputing the JSON-STRING into the TEXTBOX and choosing the right COLLECTION,
all the DATA was written into my empty “Test-Collection” DATABASE in LIVE-MODE (on LIVE-SITE).
Everything worked pretty well. But the FIELD-IDs are not complete as you can see…,
…and the connected DATASET+TABLE do not show the inserted DATA at all.
Question: How can i define the FIELD-TITLES (FIELD-IDs) the right way (using code and not doing it manualy in my Wix-Content-Manager), so that the DATASET also recognize the DATA of the connected Collection.
How i can get rid of the yellow marks (exclamation marks)?