New Mobile Action Bar | Custom Action & Wix Code?

Hi guys,

Is it possible to use Wix code with an individual custom button/action from the new and fancy pants mobile action bar? So that instead of just being able to link to a page or anchor or lightbox/web address (which are not available in other pre-defined button formats for some odd reason btw), we can do what we want in terms of actions on page with that custom button. I would like to use it as trigger to show some elements. But I understand fully, in any case, that this would be a mobile-only thing.

If this is not possible, please make this into a feature request or let me know and I will create a post there.

in my specific case, I wanted to have my “search app” to SHOW when somebody clicks the custom button for search. I am aware that there is a page for my search app that I can link to, but that is not ideal for my use case and in fact is sort of so 90s…



Thanks Omid,
Great feedback as always. I’ll “+1” the existing desire of ours to enable this :slight_smile: