Why doesn’t any NPM package work with Wix, though they talk so much about the functionality, it just never works.
I always get this error:
I’ve been trying to get the Google Text to Speech work, I’m able to get the base64 data but decoding it to fetch the relevant audio file has been the challenge since last 12 hours now.
I hope someone can help me by letting me know, why NPM packages doesn’t work, how to get these Google packages work with Wix and how do I decode base64 to get audio files and how do I save them?
Some detailed answer is very much appreciated.
Hi Chirotpal,
Thanks for letting us know about this issue. I’ve shared it with the team to investigate. Can you please also provide the URL for your site?
Its been 6 days now and I’ve not had any solution to this, looks like Wix saying NPM works is just not true as there’s no way to configure the packages.
I looked at your site and you don’t have any NPM libraries installed. First, you will need to see if the library you want is available and then install the NPM library that you want on your site:
If the library you want is not available yet, you can request it be added.
Also, please understand that Wix is unable to provide technical support for external libraries. For support issues on a specific NPM library, you will need to contact the author or supplier.
This is a default node package.There is no need to install.Just ask for it in the code.How do you apply for it?Request npm fs … Thanks for the support
Default node package? No need to install? Which npm are you referring to?