On hover effect for Wix video gallery

I want to add a wix video gallery element for one of my video channels.
However, I really want to add an effect when the mouse hovers on top of the video - I want to either expand the video slightly, or remove the color overlay, or add text, anything!
Except of hiding the play button and then showing it, I wasn’t able to find any other interaction.

Do you have suggestions?
Thank you

You can look at using the Wix Video player API with or without Effect Options.

I’m not sure how to use that on the Wix gallery element.
I’m not talking about a single video when it plays, I’m talking hovering over a video in the gallery before playing it


If you forget about using a gallery and list all your videos in a repeater, then you can animate them that way instead.

Nayeli (Code Queen) has a good tutorial about it that might be perfect for what you are needing to do on your page.

Or you can look at using these two examples here?