Online Courses for members only

I am thinking to have a course page for only members.

On this course page, there will be a video of the 1st lesson, some text about the lesson and one question for the member to answer.

This member needs to fill it in and submit it before he or she can go to the 2nd lesson of the course.
My question is: how can I know from which member it is coming from when they submit the answer? Is it possible that when they submit their answer, there is no need to have a second field box for their name or mail address?

I am thinking there will be about 8 courses in total. (some are free and some are with a fee.

If member “Joe” signs up as a member.
Goes to the member only page where the courses are.
Select one, then get redirected to that course. (if this was free)
What happens when it is a fee course?

So the idea of each course is:
Watches the video, reads the text and answer a short question
Then submits it.
Then get redirects to the next lesson.

On the other side, can I see as the admin what Joe answers, rather seeing as anonymous.
Is the field box for the answer is the same or there a sight difference because it for only members?

How do I make sure, that these members follow that course that they ordered without getting access to other courses?

Oooof, that´s a lot of questions. But I´ll try anyway:

  1. make a page ¨Members Only¨". That will force a logon. If you use email or Google PLus, there already is an email, so no need to ask again later. When they take a course (free or payed), you are going to need the follwing: a members collection (with a field called email) and a courses collection. Here you would put in a field ¨free" or “level” or ¨type" or “price” , whatever, to be able to distinguish between free and paid courses.

  2. when a user logs on, you check by email address if he is already in your members db. If not, you create a row with member data, and his email (see user.getemail() ) and other member data (just watch out you do not create 2 rows with the new rendercycle modi, see Product Updates)

  3. one user can take many courses, and there is more than 1 user. So you will need to define a third collection, that is the glue between members and courses: lets call it CoursesFollowed. Here you would put in a reference to Members and a ref to Courses. You could also put the answer in here.

  4. yes, admin can see everything, like in Content Manager (the DB Grid).

HI Giri,
Thank you for your reply.
Please note that I have very little background of coding. Is there a video or something I can follow step by step.
I realized that I will only focused on paid courses.

Will it work with the app of Wix members for them to signup/login, but then create a code to process the payment of the course and as well the data from each course (they have to submit homework)

To be honest, if you are new to coding, maybe this project is a bit too ambitious to start with. It would take you months probably and you will have to read up on database organisation, coding, payment processing (Stripe?) etc.
I remembered that the same topic came up a couple of months ago, with an answer from Andreas. He mentioned an out-of-the-box solution. Here´s the thread: