I cannot figure out what is wrong with this simple code. I am simply trying to have my lightbox pop up on hover over button. I have the correct button number, I have my lightbox set to not auto load.
I will also need it to close automatically after no longer hovering. on Mouseout
It is clearly time to find time for Corvid training.
$w.onReady( function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…
}); import wixWindow from “wix-window”;
export function button1_onMouseIn(event) {
wixWindow.openLightbox(“Wix Partner”);
Help please
In all likelihood lightbox will not work for you in this case. By the time the lightbox has opened, you will be on the lightbox page and the mouseOut function will not register since the element is on the previous page. You should either use a pinned regular box that’s hidden on load instead, or set a timer for your lightbox to close on its own.