Paid Members Only Comment Section?

Would it be possible to do this through Corvid?or the Wix blog?


Hello, this can be done only with Corvid.

Hi, Thanks! Would you be willing to share the steps needed to do this or any tips at all?

I’ve been able to make comment section with corvid.However I am not able to automatically get the username of the member! or prevent none paid members to input comments. Regular signed-in members are able to comment as well…

Hello, can you share your website for me to look through?

Hi there!

I believe this was addressed in our Wix Corvid forum here . :slight_smile:

I have a public blog and for paid members only, used the forum behind a paid members only page, easy solution and works without coding.

Unforunately I need the content on the page to be viewed by all visitors! However only paid members should be able to comment.

Hey I checked it out! when contacted the person who wrote the final code! However it I am not able to retrieve members info automatically! I am not able to get information for the Wix created database “PrivateMembersData”.

@socialsheikh Pretty sure I know what you’re doing wrong. The “PrivateMembersData” DB must be called as “Members/PrivateMembersData”.

@deleteduser Hey thanks! However no I have been using Members/PrivateMembersData.

Here is the Link

And some images for additional info

@stevenjose @deleteduser