Paid Plans App

I have database with members that have different subscription fees. Is there a way to have their specific fee display once they create an account on the website?

Are you using the paid plans app? If so you can do something like this:

let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
if (user.loggedIn) {

$w.onReady( async () => {
let email = await user.getEmail();
let res = await wixData.query(“Register”).eq(“title”, email).find();
let item = res.items[0];

console.log(item , res)


async function userPlans () {
console.log(“Sending the data”)
let email = await user.getEmail();
let plan = await user.getPricingPlans();

if (plan.length > 0) {
console.log(plan , email);

    $w('#planLevel').text = plan[0].name? plan[0].name : 'You do not have a subscription yet.'; 
