Please help Forms and Database question

I have been reading the forum but it is like I am in another world I don’t understand. I have a mental health site with members being therapists. With in their member pages I need a form to input all of their info that will be displayed on the site to the public.
However when I create the form the user needs to be able to update it as needed live into the data base and not create duplicate entries. I thought this may be solved by making the content read and write but when I did this the form would not allow input data even though the member had permission to update their own data. I also need that data to save and display on that form so they can see what is already entered and update on fields that they want to change such as location etc. I see people posting code but when I go to pull up the at the bottom it does not show any code and I suck at deciphering code anyway is there an easy fix to this a setting I can check or click to make the data stay in the form and only update. I have read some stuff about duplicates but it appeared as if I would have to write code and a new entry database for submissions for each field and the form has a Lot of fields. Plus I am running out time and am on a strict deadline any help would be great.

Is there not a way to use a code so it knows weather to submit and save or update the form? I already have all my pages set up I just need the info to stay in the form and the user be able to update it. In the tutorial above it does not allow me to change member fields. Or maybe I am doing something wrong my member area/ login area was already created within the site and even when I choose custom form it only allows me to change a few elements… I’m running out of time and also have other dynamic pages connected to the info in the form. like maybe using save( ) Inserts or updates an item in a collection. in api how would I do that since there is no option within the database options only submit

If you use the Wix Members app then you will get the Members PrivateMembersData Collection added to your websites dataset collection automatically.

However, note that this is read only and that you can not add any additional fields to it, plus the only person who can view the data for the user is the site member author which will be that unique user only.

If you are wanting to create a from that holds additional user inputs then you can do as Heath says above and follow the Wix Member Profile tutorial which will get you to add a new dataset called Members.

This dataset can have whatever field you want in it and the user can view their own profile page and go to their own update profile page to add or edit any additional user input that you let them.

However, note that you don’t have to keep the tutorial user inputs as they are, you can add or delete whatever user inputs you want on that profile and update profile page.

if you have any problems with it, then watch Nayeli (Code Queen) video tutorial about it here.

If you use Wix Forms and not your own user input form through Corvid, then you will be required to make your own form submission table where whatever user input you add to the Wix Form will be added to it and add it to your Wix Dashboard.

However, note that Wix Forms is a Wix app and not part of Wix Corvid, of which this forum is for, issues related to your code on your website.

Therefore, you are better off looking at Wix Support’s own pages for Wix Forms and contacting Wix Support themselves if you have any issues with using Wix Forms.

As for using code, you can either simply setup a submit button for your form, however if you are using Wix Forms, then this will already be on your form for you.

Or you can use Wix Dataset API and the save function to save it to a dataset.

As for sign and login options, you have the three options.

  1. Wix own window
  2. Wix Custom Form (through Wix Forms)
    3 Corvid Form (Own custom lightbox for signup and login)

If you want to do your own custom lightboxes for login and signup, then follow Nayeli (Code Queen) tutorials here as they will be able to walk you through it.

Plus, have a good read of the Wix Users API register and login functions.

Finally, if you use custom lightboxes then you will need to change your member signup settings to suit your custom lightboxes.