POLL: be able create a pdf using jsPDF in page code.

Hi Community.
A while ago i posted an example on how to make an PDf using an embed HTML frame.

So now i’m thinking about making a package to use jsPDF in the pagecode instead of having to code in a embed html frame.
Now i was wondring if people are interested in it or not.

NOTE: People with a premium account will only be able to use it since we still have to use an embed html frame. to generate the pdf and the download option is only available for premium users.

easly using jsPDF without coding in html frame

  • interested
  • Not interested

I never made a package yet so it will take some time to make it.

Kind regards,


This is a really cool idea! Thanks @volkaertskristof :grinning:

I’m already trying to figure out how to start.
Made my first small test package to see if it works the way i want itnto work :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope to finish my first working version by the end of the week :smiley:
I’m really curious if it is going to work as supposed :sweat_smile:

Adly enough i already ran into a big issue.
My plan was to create html code using plain js.
This would be added to the html iframe code.
Now it seems like that you can add a source but not to add code.
Do you know if there is any work around? :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree, this is really good idea ! When do you plan to publish first version? :slight_smile:

Hi Jan,
Thanks for the reply.
I kinda tand into a wall for the moment,
I’m looking for another option to make it work.
When its ready i will post it here :wink: