Populating Google map with more than 1 location, using Corvid JS code in stead of HTML

There is a good example which populates Google Map with HTML.
There is also Corvid JS code to populate Google Maps with 1 location.

Is is possible to populate Google Maps with 2 or more locations using Corvid?

Hey Bart.
Could you provide us with the code or guide your using.
Did a quick google search and if you found same as me following Yisrael’s guide here

there is lines with “setItem” which control the location which can be changed and then refreshed to my knowledge.

I looked at https://www.wix.com/code-examples/google-places, I see it working but nowhere a Google Map.

So what your showing there is the example which allow you to search geo location using google places API. actually using the map would be another example case.

Believe this link might help you in correct direction of what your looking for

best regards

@clsnlsen Thank you. I will look at it

@clsnlsen Hi, I worked out the exaple; it worked well. I have only one objection: I want to go to specific locations, which describe the location- so I have to add a url-link in the markers; because the example uses a HTML-iframe, the detail-pages are opened either within the HTNL-frame it self or in a new tab (using the tager=“_blank” option). Both options I do not like in my design