Possible bug with onClick inside Repeater

So I have this working code for some time:

import wixWindow from 'wix-window';

$w.onReady(function () {
 let received = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext();

 $w('#listAddress').data = received.addresses

 $w('#listAddress').onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {
  $item('#txtFullName').text = [itemData.firstName, itemData.lastName].join(" ")
  $item('#txtRegion').text = [itemData.provinceName, itemData.cityName, itemData.districtName, itemData.zipCode].join(", ")
  $item('#btnAddrUse').onClick((event) => {

Today, when I test the behavior by clicking the #btnAddrUse , it triggered error in the console. In Firefox it says “Uncaught TypeError: ‘get name’ called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLFormElement.” and it seems it came from Lodash ?

In Chrome, it also error but the message is different

Please help because it works fine before, but now its not. Thanks!

Please post the URL of the site, and explain where and how to see the problem.

Here’s an example page https:// www.umawomen. com/example-repeater with Repeater + button with custom onItemReady , the full code are:

$w.onReady(function () {
 $w('#repeater1').onItemReady(($item, itemData) => {
   $item('#button25').onClick((event) => {
      console.log("something should pop")
 $w('#repeater1').data = [
       _id: "1",
       _id: "2",

In that page, if you click on any of the “Book Now” button, in browser dev console the error will be triggered, which the error should not happen and should print “something should pop” instead.

I am referring this to QA for evaluation.

QA is unable to test for the problem as the repeater is no longer on the page.

@yisrael-wix sorry for the late reply, I’m not getting a notification from a reply under a thread like this (or because I was not tagged in the reply?).

I’m sorry but I think one of my staffers was accidentally deleted the repeater from the page, please so kindly to re-check the page again.

@gunturaf No problem.

I took a look and I see the issue. I’ve referred this issue to QA for evaluation.

@gunturaf You shouldn’t have to be tagged in order to be notified about activity in a thread that you are a participant. If you see that you are still not getting notifications, please let me know and I’ll discuss it with the forum devs.

@yisrael-wix I’m getting the notification from this thread when you tagged me.

From top to bottom:

1st email is daily digest from Velo Forum containing the above (2) comments.
2nd is (2) emails from the above (2) comments.
3rd is (2) emails from your comments “Please post the URL of the site” and “I am referring this to QA for evaluation.” from 11 July

@yisrael-wix hi there, is there any updates on this thread? It’s been two weeks and I wonder when will the QA conclude their tests? Our customers are having hard time because a functionality is unusable due to this bug. Thanks