Possible Issues for EditorX Sites Switching to Wix Studio?

I’ve been working on a client’s website in EditorX (www.suollarchitects.com) for about a year and a half now, and I’m extremely nervous about the forced transition to Wix Studio. The EditorX website has a ‘vertical section’ which is a functionality that does not exist in Wix Studio. . . What will happen?

I’m nervous that the transition will affect this vertical section, along with several other intricately finessed elements. I’m about 5x over the hours I had originally estimated (and invoiced) for this project, so the idea of having to completely redo several aspects of it (and having to explain that to the client right before launch) is harrowing. Is there any possible way to not transition to Wix Studio?

unfortunatley the vertical section will not be able to be edited. I just did a transfer of a test site.
But there are ways to have a vertical section in Studio, but cant have scrolling in the vertical section.



Ah, that’s gonna really cause some problems for me. So unfortunate.
I appreciate the clarity, thank you.