Preloader Every Page Help

I got my preloader from here:
and it works pretty well! However, I can’t seem to get it to happen everytime you switch pages from in the site. It only happens the first time you enter. I checked “load code on each new page” as well but it still doesnt help. Does anyone know what the problem is?


Hi, that’s actually where I got the link for the preloader customizer I linked! I saw alot of people asking for the same thing, but I never saw an actual answer to it.

Hi could someone help me with this?

When you add the snippet, you have 2 options there:

  1. Load code once

  2. Load code on each new page

Select option 2 and apply

Now I see you’ve already done it. So maybe, the page just loads fast and that’s why you don’t notice it, and what takes time is data fetching and repeater population etc…

@jonatandor35 Hi I thought this was this case too, but after checking it takes at least 3-5 seconds to load the next page and only shows a blank screen when loading. Is there a way to do some sort of internal preloader somehow?

@ehui what do you mean by “internal preloader”?

@jonatandor35 Like a way other than the tracking + analytics way of putting a preloader in? Maybe putting it in the page code etc.? Just thinking; otherwise I wouldn’t really know what to do.


Unless you want to go through it all and do all your own code for it all etc, then you have to use what is already out there.

For mobile devices, Wix already do a good mobile version that you can use as shown here.

For desktop devices, Wix also do a tutorial for a promotional preloader that allows you to display things whilst the page is loading, although you could change it to suit your own needs if you wanted to, however you would need to change the code to suit that.

Otherwise, you have your example from Future with their Youtube video too.

Plus, the existing previous forum page about the preloader by Reverseweb, which does work fine.

Plus, you have other Wix Coders who have done other samples that you can have a look at and see if it is right for your own website. - all code and gifs used in this Youtube video tutorial is available to be downloaded through the links in the video info.

Finally, here is a quick one for if you want to do a load screen after something is submitted.

hi. Did you find solution? I have Same problem with preloader. On mobile it won’t appear on every page