I have a very simple website, meant to be used only on mobile.
It is 3 pages: Home page with text and button which brings to page 2: text with a question, user input box connected to a database with a daset and submit button, which brings to page 3: a grid list connected to the same database supposed to show all of the elements.
Now everything is working perfectly on preview mode.

I then publish the website and page 3 is not working online. no content visible at all.
I can upload and submit the content on page 2, the button brings you to page 3 but it is blank.

attached some screenshots, please please please help meeeee!

  1. Be sure to sync your collection sandbox with your live site.

  2. Check the collection permissions (maybe they are set to admin only)

Also, if you are doing a website that is only meant to be shown on mobile, then have you set your code up using form factor so that it only appears on mobile?