So i got some strange thing going on on my website…
If i preview my website, evrything works as it should, but in my live website something seem to work differently…
I have a repeater, with options in it that my customers can select.
depending on what they select some other options are collapsed or expanded.
i have a button to add a new item (another repeater item).
now on my preview website evrything that is standart collapsed is still collapsed, but on my live website evrything is expanded…
any idea what the problem here is?
any help is much apreciated.
Kind regards,
Hi Kirstof,
It might be due to our recent performance rollout. Please share the URL for your site and provide steps to reproduce so we can investigate.
Hi Marlowe,
Thanks for the fast response.
This is the link : [https://alexanderapx.wixsite.com/aluplexpro2/](https://alexanderapx.wixsite.com/aluplexpro2/
Go to calulator → voorzetrolluik.
You wil get some options to select.
The repeater wil expand:
Select some options :
As you can see, some new options expanded (Zenders/bediening)
also the dropdown where i selected L1
Now press this button:

A new repeater item will be added, it should be like im2 but this is how it looks.
All the red items should be collapsed.
it the preview it works oke.
Kind regards,
@volkaertskristof It requires a password. Can you please provide me with a way to access the page?
@volkaertskristof It looks like this issue was related to our performance rollout. Can you check your site again and let me know if it’s resolved? Thanks.
At the first look on my mobile phone (settings to dektop mode) it seems to work, i will take a look in the morning if it works on my laptop.
If something like this happends, is there anything i can do to change it back?
We would like to publisch thr page to our customers around the start of januari and options poping that shound be available is a big issue…
Kind regards,
@volkaertskristof We’re tracking each issue and working to resolve them as quickly as possible. As soon as the bug related to your issue is fixed, we will automatically add your site back into our performance rollout. If you find any further problems, you can report them here.
evrything seems to work fine on my laptop aswel.
Is there a way i can stay on a older version so my website won’t do weird stuff next time you people change something?
I love the wix websitebuilder, but if this is something that can happen more often then i’ll have to leave it be and create a whole new website on our own servers.
@volkaertskristof Sure. We can keep you excluded from the rollout until all the bugs have been resolved.
If thats possible that would be great, is there a function where i can do it myself or will you do it?
Kind regards,