Pricing plan can only be purchased one at a time

i added a pricing plan on my wix website
after a member purchased a plan he then purchased another plan now he has two plan

  1. is there a way to allow one plan per member.

  2. if a member already has a plan how can i add a pop up that saying they already have purchased a plan from this website.

Wix Customer Care might be able to tell you if there’s a way to do this directly using the pricing plan feature.

If not, you should be able to achieve this with code using the wix-paid-plans API.
You can check what plan a user already has by calling getCurrentMemberOrders( ) . If they have no plans, let them order one. If not, you can ask them if they wish to cancel their current plan first. If they want to cancel, you can cancel a plan using cancelOrder() . After that, the user can then order a plan.

I hope this helps.

hi thanks for the reply. may i know where should put the codes?

To learn about programming with Corvid, read the following articles that will help you start working with Corvid:

If you find that you are having difficulty with code and need assistance, you may want to check out the Wix Marketplace - it’s a place where you can look for Corvid experts for hire.

hi thanks for these great advises but i was wondering where should i put it specifically on my page should i put it at the pricing plan page?

You need to put it on the page where there user is able to purchase a plan.

ok thanks ill try to add some codes to my pricing plans page on my website.

Yes! I successfully created a function which captures the User’s existing PlanId and also captures the User’s current OrderID.
I then display to the User a list of alternative Plans (ie a list which excludes their current Plan).
Then if the User successfully subscribes to one of the new Plans, the code then calls cancelOrder() for the old orderId.
Seems to work fine - the User can never subscribe to the same Plan twice, and can never have more than one active Plan.