Problem with CORS and Wix Database

I want to be able to query a database from Javascript ran on another site.
I’ve spent hours trying to fix this error:

The Javascript that’s requesting the data:

Query('8thtest*', console.log);

function Query(username, callback)
    var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { 
        if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
    }"GET", '' + username, true); //true for asynchronous
    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');

The http-functions.js file in the backend of my wix site:

import {ok, notFound, serverError} from 'wix-http-functions';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function get_query(request)
 let options = {"headers": {
 "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "",
 "Content-Type": "application/javascript"

 return wixData.query("Epic_Coins")
        .hasAll("account", "request.path[0]")
        .then( (results) => {
 // matching items were found
 if(results.items.length > 0) {
                options.body = {
 "items": results.items
 return ok(options);
 // no matching items found
            options.body = {
 "error": `${request.path[0]} wasn't found`
 return notFound(options);
 // something went wrong
        .catch( (error) => {
        options.body = {
 "error": error
 return serverError(options);

everything is saved and published

a little help will go a long ways

side note: if you go to* it will say that it couldn’t find 8thtest* which definitively exists, as you can see by going to

One thing I found is the below

.hasAll("account", "request.path[0]")

Should be without qoutes

.hasAll("account", request.path[0])

I would try to check what request.path[0] contains so you will now you get the correct values in there at first. Then when requesting data over the web I think that it is your client script that blocks the request. If that script is executed client side that could be the issue. I have never had any problems requesting data through the http-functions.js system in Wix.