hello everyone,
Ive created a frozen header to change as Visitors Scroll using a six code it was doing great for few days then suddenly it stopped by itself. (note: in the preview mod woking good! only not working after publishing!)
please check this video Dropbox - wix.mov - Simplify your life
thank you.
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Seems like classic Wix. I’ve had similar issues involving Wix Code where it works one day or in the preview and out of nowhere it stops working. Sorry I can’t help you here.
Did you find a reason or solution? Exactly the same has happened to me. Followed their own tutorial to create a frozen header that changes on scroll, worked fine for a few days, now not working at all on live site bit still working on preview. Code is fine. Haven’t changed anything. Someone really should address this.
no help up till now !! even on facebook page no help! yes code is fine, i think this is bug from wix ?
Same thing happened to me. It is definitely a bug on Wix’s end, nothing we did wrong. Wish they would address this