Hi! I’m not a coder, but trying… slowly but surely. I have finally figured out the following code to link the background of each box in a repeater, but the problem is, each box is just linking to the first link in my database. How can I edit this code to make each box link to its own url? I know I saw another forum post about this in the past, but I can’t seem to find it!
$w.onReady(function () {
$w(‘#repeater1’).onItemReady((selector, itemData, index) => {
$w(‘#BlogBackground’).onClick(() => {
Hello Gabrielle,
You can define it without using a code, with the next steps:
Attach transparent button to repeater (it will be duplicated cross all containers)
Connect repeater to a dataset
Connect the button link to the same dataset (link to the link from DB)
Here is my sample: https://wix-alex.wixsite.com/mysite-111
Use the forEachItem() function to run a function on all of a repeater’s repeated items:
*Be sure that container and repeater - connected to the same dataset (otherwise, all containers will have the data from the first row in DB)
Thank for the help, Alexander Jdanov. I’ve tried the invisible button, but I don’t like that the button then makes each repeater box all the same size. I prefer having each box different sizes according to their content.
I would love to try the ForEachItem function, but I’m not sure where to put it in. Where would I add it into the code I pasted above?
thank you I have been looking for this everywhere.
MAN !! from the buttom of my heart THANK YOU !!
i have been looking for this since 3 hell days !!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH ![:smiley: :smiley:](/images/emoji/google_classic/smiley.png?v=12)