Product Collection Get Item List full information

I am implementing a page to show the product list items of a specific product collection. (the out of the box product gallery that wix provides is not suitable for our use-cases)

I am using the follwoing:
wixData . query ( ‘Stores/Collections’ )
. eq ( “name” , “Col1” )
. find ();
This returns only the collection name, id and main image.
wixData . query ( “Stores/Products” )
. include ( “collections” )
. hasSome ( “collections” , collectionId )
. find ( options );
This returns the products that belong to the upper found collection.

Here is the issue, in the “Product Collection” UI in the dashboard, you can sort\order the products by dragging them and location them in a specific wanted order.

This is important for us as we have collections with hundreds of fashion products, and we always move up or down products that we want to focus on each week, by moving them to the top of the list.

I didn’t find any way to get the sort\order information of the items within the collection (BTW, the wix OOTB product gallery is taking into account this information).

Any idea how to get this information so I can use it within our customized page?

Best regards

Any updates?