Product Reviews in Wix Stores with Kudobuzz app

Honestly, I was disappointed by this release, my expectations were high until they’re crushed by this release, for most of people it will be all what they want, but for me, and probably for most of developers it’s worthless, I was excited when I saw the release email from Wix coming into my inbox, but why I was disappointed?

First of all, anyone can leave a review and rating anywhere on your site including the product page, which something nobody wants, it’s not a commenting app like Facebook where everyone can and should be able to leave a comment on, it’s a review, that means you must have tried the product or the service before you can review it, how do they suppose to leave reviews or rate something they’ve never use!? Of course that also means they need to be site members in order for you to determine who bought what.

Luckily, I was working on a custom review section for products, that will only allow site members who previously purchased the product to leave a review.

I hope that Wix only consider this app as a temporary solution, and that they’re working on a real one that has the above features, I’m sure that it won’t be hard for them if a beginner like me was able to build this feature.

The release page:

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